BUBO Listing www.bubo.org

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Dawn Raid

'OK Rob, here's our plan', Paul said to me on the phone last night. 'We both need Crane for our Buckinghamshire list, so we're off to Gallows Bridge Nature Reserve.'
 'Be at mine for about quarter past  five in the morning (this meant leaving home at five to ) We can be  there at six o'clock and be in the hide for sun up. We'll find the Crane and watch it for half an hour or so and get back in time for work.'
 Amazingly this was exactly how it went. Sitting in the hide as the darkness turned to green outside, with the sound of Lapwings, Curlews, Skylarks and Meadow Pipits all around. Gradually shapes turned into birds, several Hares and a Fox that scampered across the field in front of us. Finally it was light enough for Paul to pick out the smart adult Common Crane standing in the pool a couple of hundred yards right out in front of us. We did indeed watch it for half an hour or so, before setting off back towards Milton Keynes and Hardmead. I was back home by just after half seven, very pleased with my 200th bird for Bucks.

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